Say I would like to upgrade all installed packages.  I already found
out that I can do "portversion -c" which spits out a shell script
which does this.

But since it takes a long time, so I'd like to let it run over night.

It seems that it can ask me a question from time to time, if the port
likes to ask questions.  (Last time, I was lucky and only Postfix
wanted to ask me.  This question came fairly early.)

How do I prevent having to get up in the middle of the night to answer
a question from portupgrade?

(Telling me to let the upgrade run over day rather than over night is
not an acceptable answer ;-)

The holy grail, of course, would be that I invoke some command which
asks me all questions and stores the answers somewhere, then invoke
another command which actually builds and installs the ports.  I could
then do the question-answering in the evening, before I go to bed...


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