On 12/27/2003 at 7:40 PM Joachim Dagerot wrote:

|As you with good memories know, I lost 3000 pictures of my first sons
|first year this month. I did have a RAID-5 system with fresh disks,
|however, shit happens and I have a feeling that this could have been
|avoided if I read my log files better.
|So basically, 
|a) I get a mail each time my a cron-event fires, this happens every 30
|min so the mailbox are quite loaded, not very funny going through.
|b) The file messages contained information that my raid-system was
|about to blow, I didn't see this because I never read that file. Also
|it appears to only log information after a reboot.
|The vinum history file seems to only hold information about the vinum
|setup, not the health of the volumes.
|a1) Is it possible to only get a mail with critical information, where
|and what do I need to do to achieve this?


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