On Sat, 27 Dec 2003 21:14:24 -0300, Julio Cesar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello everyone
This is my first post here and I wanted to say that I looked for this info everywhere but didnÂt find thatÂs why IÂm making this simple question. IÂm right now using Win XP but till yesterday I used to run a dual boot system (RedHat 9/XP) but I decided to send RH to Hell and replace it to FreeBSD but when the instalation begun, I realized it couldnÂt read mu NTFS drives so I thought the instalation wouldnÂt work, then I ask you guys:

1. Can I have another dual boot on my machine with XP (NTFS) and FreeBSD?
2. Where can I read more about the process of instalation to keep my XP partition alive?

Thank You

     Julio Cesar
      MCP ID #3092980
      PGP KEY ID 0x7086BA80
      (81) 9139-0024

Everywhere, apparently, other than the Frequently Asked Questions link on the home page of the FreeBSD web site. :)

<URL: http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/disks.html#NT-BOOTLOADER>

You will also find many good answers to your question that have appeared in this mailing list if you search at <URL: http://freebsd.rambler.ru/>.

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