Lukas Ertl wrote:

>On Tue, 6 Jan 2004, Vitalis wrote:
>> Should this driver also work for Oracle 9i?
>> I get the following error at connection, though I don't think there is a
>> real memory problem:
>> DBI connect('MYBASE','mylogin',...) failed:  at ./ line 4
>> ORA-01019: unable to allocate memory in the user side (DBD: login
>> failed, probably a symptom of a deeper problem) at ./ line 4.
>> I'm running freebsd 5.1 SMP enabled, Oracle 9i, oracle7-client-0.02,
>> p5-DBI-137-1.37 and p5-DBD-Oracle-1.14, all on the same box.
>Unfortunately, you can't connect to Oracle 9i with an Oracle 7 client. :-/

Hi Lukas. Thanks for your answer but this is not true =)
I finally managed to make it working.

After many tests, I figured out that the problem was with the first database
I was trying to connect to. Oracle 7 client does not seem to work with a 9i 
database with the WE8ISO8859P15 character set! With WE8ISO8859P1, it works well.

So you weren't completely wrong...

For the archiving purpose, here are the other errors I got with the 
WE8ISO8859P15 database when tracking down this issue:

Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-03113 (DBD: login failed) at 
./ line 4.

In the alert.log file:
ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [08D941EB] [SIGSEGV] [unknown code] [0x38] 
[] []
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [12333], [10], [0], [115], [], [], [], []

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