On Sat, Jan 10, 2004 at 11:18:54AM -0500, Brian Minard wrote:

> I often get reports from periodic's daily runs to the effect that:
>   Checking for rejected mail hosts: 43 flatfoot.ca
> All of these rejections are coming from the log entries generated
> by real time black lists, such as spamcop, and these reports say my
> own domain is rejected. I'm adding these black lists with sendmail's
> enhdnsbl command, although I get the same results with dnsbl.
> I pass the relaying tests at abuse.net, so I'm not sure whether to be
> concerned about these reports or not. Can anyone comment on what might
> be wrong here?

Yeah -- I see this too.  For some reason your sendmail logs aren't
quite in the same format as the periodic script expects.  I found that
setting FEATURE(delay_checks) in your `hostname`.mc can cause that.

There's a patch in this PR which might help:




Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
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