On Tuesday, January 13, 2004, at 06:57 PM, fbsd_user wrote:

Try this command to mount the cd drive.
First load the 4.6 install cd in cd drive
        mount /cdrom
        cd /cdrom
        cd /
        umount /cdrom


look at the etc/fstab to see how cd drive is configured

Device Mountpoint FStype Options Dump Pass /dev/acd0c /cdrom cd9660 ro,noauto 0 0

Explain how you switch from booting winme to booting FBSD

I've yet to learn how to tell the bootloader to boot from the primary drive, so I just change the order of the drives in BIOS.

Verify floppy drive works in winme.

And there's the answer--I believe this drive is dead. I recall it making noises some time ago, and it must've gone over the edge. Fortunately, Atlanta has some good stores--I've been wanting to pop down to the one by Tech for a while now, and this is as good an excuse as any.

This brings me back to the modem question. I can type in the entries from ppp.conf and ppp.log--or I suppose I could try to learn to write to the FAT partition elsewhere on this drive, which I'm not unwilling to do (shouldn't be hard, which is what I thought about the modem.)

Advice? And thanks again,

John A

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