On 16/01/04 20:33 +0100, Hanspeter Roth wrote:
>   On Jan 16 at 15:38, Carvalho Paulo spoke:
> >     I do not want to change the connetion to the
> > internet to the freebsd box. I like to leave it in the
> > winxp box.
> This would require winxp to route. Is winxp able to route? FreeBSD
> is.
> I have a FreeBSD box with one network card that's connected to the
> internet. I have also an alias on the NIC with a private address
> that allows me to route other hosts.

I've done it in windows 2000 server, but I don't know if you can do it
in XP. You would be better off asking on a windows XP forum, as the
problem has nothing to do with FreeBSD, it's just basic networking.

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