On Sunday 18 January 2004 06:10, Dinesh Nair wrote:
> what i do today is i set the default route to the ISP i am more convinced
> off, with static routes of certain large CIDR address blocks going out to
> the other ISP. i decided on those large blocks after checking the global
> route tables, AS PATH diagrams and experience of link quality. you can do
> this by using tools such as the Looking Glass servers, RouteViews.Org and
> even Netlantis.org for your situation. i'm not running routed,
> zebra/bgpd/ospfd on this at all, since it's all static routes and i can't
> find an ISP ospf/bgp router willing to exchange routes with me.

Same for me...
Anyway, thanks for the explanation :)
I really appreciated.


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