On Mon, Jan 19, 2004 at 05:04:50PM +0100, Antoine Jacoutot wrote:
> On Monday 19 January 2004 16:21, Tillman Hodgson wrote:
> > When you tcpdump both external interfaces, do the packets on
> > the interface that the 1921.68.0.0/24 network is supposed to use look
> > like you would expect?
> Nope... there's nothing on the external interfaces from the 
> network...
> The thing is since there's NAT going on, I get a little lost...

Ahhh, that's the point -- you've discovered that it's not going out the
right interface :-)

You've pretty much wore out the "play with the config files" route.
Let's try getting some data by finding out what is actually happening so
we can figure out what's wrong. Can you post what the traffic on the
other interface looks like when you're trying to go out from


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