John Adams wrote:

Hi, folks,

I decided my minor problems (a couple I've posted, a couple I haven't) might be solved by doing what I should've already done, namely, upgrading from 4.6 to 4.9.

I'm looking at the text of INSTALL.TXT right now, and I've got a question which, if it weren't so basic, would probably be a FAQ: Does the install really copy all of the old /etc to some new location which you are prompted to define at the time of the upgrade? That's what it seems to say, but I'd feel foolish having gotten it wrong.

If that's really true, then I'm ready to go--but if it's not, then I'm potentially in a world of hurt, having a lot of stuff stuck in /etc (both config files and stuff I've put there for safekeeping during the upgrade) that I really don't want to lose.


John A

What "install" do you mean?

Upgrading a la:

a. cvsup new source
b. make buildworld
c. make buildkernel
d. make installkernel
e.  reboot and make installworld

doesn't touch /etc.  That's a job for mergemaster,
which AFAICT puts the "new" /etc/ stuff under
/tmp and then does diffs and asks you what to do
with them....


Kevin Kinsey

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