My mouse is still not working :(

Andrew Boothman wrote:

> Do a 'ps ax|grep moused' and see if moused is already running

Yes, moused is running.

> Then in your X config you should be able to use /dev/sysmouse

I already had /dev/sysmouse in my X config, however moused is not working
with my mouse, so
it doesn't work.

I also tried killing moused and changing my X config to use /dev/ums0, but I
still couldn't move my cursor.

Adam Bozanich wrote:

> Have you tried adding
> usbd_enable="YES"
> to the file /etc/rc.conf?   I had the same issue the other day and this
> fixed it.

usbd_enable="YES" already existed in my /etc/rc.conf, so I don't think that
was the problem.

fbsd_user wrote:

> First an word of advice. All the 5.x versions are from the
> development source code branch and has a lot of new code bugs. You
> should really be using the 4.9 stable production release to be
> learning on.

That's probably the best advice, I am downloading the ISO now.

> During the sysinstall you were prompted with question about mouse,
> you must have selected the serial mouse option, and that populated
> your rc.conf file with the wrong enable options. Delete all the
> serial mouse stuff from rc.conf.

> You need this usbd_enable="YES" in /etc/rc.conf to make your usb
> mouse come alive.

No, I did not select serial mouse and there is no serial mouse stuff in
/etc/rc.conf. As I said
above to Adam, usbd_enable="YES" already exists.

I have also now tried another USB mouse which I have and that doesn't work.
I don't have a PS/2 mouse to test,
but if I get my hands on one I will try that as well.

Shaun Friedle

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