I'm trying to set up a cvsup mirror to use for updating about 50 machines
that are internal to our corporate network. Since I have better control
over the firewall et all from my home network, I'm building the machine

I've got it built, and used the cvsup-mirror port to assist me in setting
things up. But it's not working. Here is the error message I am getting:

Cvsup update begins at 2004-01-29 14:30:00
Updating from cvsup13.freebsd.org
Cannot connect to cvsup13.freebsd.org: Connection refused
CVSup update ends at 2004-01-29 14:30:01

I've read
and I have chosen what I think to be a good site for me from the referenced
mirror list.

Have I chosen badly? Can anyone suggest a better site to mirror from? We are
located in the southeastern US. 

Do I need to get some sort of authorization token from the admins at that
site? I've been cvsuping lot's of machines for years, but this is the
first time I've tried to actually set up a repository.

Any help would be appreciated.

"They that would give up essential liberty for temporary safety deserve
neither liberty nor safety."
                                                -- Benjamin Franklin
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