On Saturday 31 January 2004 18:33, Patrick Wilcox wrote:
> I loaded FreeBSD on one of my old PCs a few years ago.
>  I wanted to start using it again, but I can't
> remember what the root password was.  I'm sure I used
> the default, but I tried hitting enter and using
> "password", "root", "r00t", "sysadmin", "admin" and a
> few others to no avail.
> Can anyone tell me some others to try?
> Alternately, I tried logging into the box in
> single-user mode to change it.  However, when I got to
> the boot: prompt and typed -s, it proceeded to do a
> normal boot.

You have to type "boot -s".

> I'm not exactly sure which verion I have, but the book
> was The complete FreeBSD 3rd edition and the CDs are
> dated June 2000.

I'd say 3.3 or 3.4. But that doesn't matter.


> Any tips would be most appreciated,
> Pat Wilcox
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