On Feb 1, 2004, at 2:24 PM, Edward Carmody wrote:

Hi, I'm trying to replace my Linksys
router/firewall/nat box with a FreeBSD box...I'm
in the configuring/testing phase before I put it
into production...

My *potential* problem is that my ISP
(Cablevision) re-addresses their DNS servers
often.  My question is: is there a way to
dynamically update the "option
domain-name-servers" values in dhcpd.conf from the
"nameserver" values my ISP-facing, dhclient-using
interface is writing into "resolv.conf"?

Or, more simply, how can my DHCP server hand out
*known-fresh-and-good* ISP dns server addresses
gathered from the wan-facing dhcp client??  The
linksys box I have now does this auto-magically...

I don't know if this is a solution that you want but it works for me. Setup DNSMasq on your firewall machine. http://www.thekelleys.org.uk/dnsmasq/doc.html or from the ports /usr/ports/dns/dnsmasq. Then just point to your internal IP on your firewall as your nameserver. It's quick and painless to setup and get running and seems to work well for small networks.

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