
        A few weeks ago I ftp'd the following flopping of 5.2
        to due a network sysinstall of a new upgraded HP Kayak.

    53 -rw-r--r--  1 kline  wheel    53640 Jan  6 22:58 README.TXT
  1448 -rw-------  1 kline  wheel  1474560 Jan  6 22:53 drivers.flp
  1448 -rw-------  1 kline  wheel  1474560 Jan  6 22:55 fixit.flp
  1448 -rw-------  1 kline  wheel  1474560 Jan  6 22:50 kern.flp
  1448 -rw-------  1 kline  wheel  1474560 Jan  6 22:52 mfsroot.flp
  pf 0:52 <tao> [5118]                       

        I should mention that aside from my 4mm SCSI tape drive,
        I'm converting the Kayak to all-IDE.   I don't see how this
        could make any difference in my floppy/network install

        First, I insert kern.flp and boot.  What happens has never 
        happened before in the from-scratch floppy installs I've 
        done over the years.

        I finally see printed to the screen an error message concerning

        "error 16 lba 128
        "NO /boot/loader"

        this followed by the floppy attempt to find a kernel.  Something

        "Default 0(0,a)/kernel
        boot: error 16 lba 128"

        Note that prev. installs of RH-8.0 were done by CDROM, 
        and upgrded over the net.  tHis box will be my new DNS 
        server and will be loaded for bear!  ...Well, if i ever
        get 5.2 installed....

        Anybody have any clue where I've gon so terribly wrong!??

        thanks for any ideas,


   Gary Kline     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Public service Unix

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