I tried linux_kdump (from ports) and things seem to clarify a bit.

I concentrated on acushare, which is the daemon that supervises
inter-process locking (locking on file access) and licence
verification.  Whereas acushare seems to start properly, an attempt to
kill it through the recommended means (not with kill(1)), yields an
IPC error.  On Linux strace on the daemon process shows:

  msgrcv(256, {1, "\254\1\0\0\6\0\0\0\6\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"...}, 100, 
1, MSG_NOERROR) = 12
  getpid()                                = 376
  getuid32()                              = -1 ENOSYS (Function not implemented)
  msgctl(256, IPC_STAT, 0xbffffa54)       = 0
  msgsnd(256, {428, "x\1\0\0\6\0\0\0\6\0\0\0"}, 12, 0) = 0

That is, msgrcv returns a 12 bytes long message and the daemon
answers.  On FreeBSD, on the other hand:

  75838 acushare RET   linux_ipc 12/0xc
  75838 acushare CALL  linux_getpid
  75838 acushare RET   linux_getpid 75838/0x1283e
  75838 acushare CALL  linux_ipc(0xe,0x50000,0x102,0,0xbfbff444,0)
  75838 acushare RET   linux_ipc -1 errno 22 Invalid argument
  75838 acushare CALL  linux_time(0xbfbff49c)
  75838 acushare RET   linux_time 1075830865/0x401fe051
  75838 acushare CALL  write(0,0x2806f000,0x4a)
  75838 acushare GIO   fd 0 wrote 74 bytes
        "acushare: 2004-02-03 18:54:25: Error replying to test message from run\

That is, linux_ipc (possibly a catch-all name for the Linux IPC
functions family), returns a 12 bytes long message, but when it is
supposed to do the msgctl it fails miserably with an errno 22.

I couldn't make sense out of the six arguments to linux_ipc shown in
the kdump.  Does anyone know how to interprete them?

walter pelissero
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