"Thomas T. Veldhouse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Does anybody know of a "GOOD" HOWTO to get Mozilla Messenger and OpenLDAP (2.2) to work well together [for addressbooks]?

I have been searching for doco all day and I have downloaded schema and entered configurations to no avail.

I don't know of a good doc that covers specifically this, but ...

Every ldap-enabled mail client seems to use their own ldap schema. I am sort of aware that mozilla's schema might be available somewhere on mozilla.org, but I've never personally looked for it. Note that mozilla does not write to an ldap directory, it only reads from it.

If you are in control of the directory, you have lots of options. If you want mozilla to show you "any directory," then you have to hope that the directory was implemented with attributes that mozilla expects. That's a fair hope, since mozilla's notion of a person is derived from a commonly used objectclass, inetOrgPerson. But depending on your directory's specific schema, mozilla may or may not see all of what you're interested in. Mozilla gives you some room to play, using bind dn, base dn and search filters.

If the directory is yours and you will be implementing your own schema, one thing you can do is to fully populate a mozilla address card, then export the addressbook as ldif, and you'll see the objectclasses and attributes that mozilla uses/expects. Do this in a new addressbook with one entry so you don't have to look at a bunch of other entries. Here's one that I did, using Mozilla 1.6:

dn: cn=First Last,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
objectclass: top
objectclass: person
objectclass: organizationalPerson
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
objectclass: mozillaAbPersonObsolete
givenName: First
sn: Last
cn: First Last
xmozillanickname: NickName
mozillaSecondEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mozilla_AimScreenName: screenName
xmozillausehtmlmail: false
modifytimestamp: 0Z
telephoneNumber: work 555-1111
homePhone: home 555-2222
facsimileTelephoneNumber: fax 555-3333
pager: pager 555-4444
mobile: mobile 555-5555
homePostalAddress: 123 myhomeaddress st
mozillaHomePostalAddress2: apt 111
mozillaHomeLocalityName: homeCentennial
mozillaHomeState: homeCO
mozillaHomePostalCode: home80122
mozillaHomeCountryName: homeCountry
postalAddress: 456 myworkaddress st
mozillaPostalAddress2: apt 222
l: workDenver
st: workCO
postalCode: work80111
c: workCountry
title: workTitle
ou: workDept
o: workOrg
workurl: http://www.workwebpage.com
homeurl: http://www.homewebpage.com
custom1: custom1
custom2: custom2
custom3: custom3
custom4: custom4
description: This is a note

Things to note:

- mozilla addressbook entries are objectclass: mozillaAbPersonObsolete
- mozillaAbPersonObsolete appears to be derived from inetOrgPerson
- Most, but not all of mozilla's extra attributes have "mozilla" prepended to the attribute name. The following are also mozilla specific, even though they don't say "mozilla":

workurl: http://www.workwebpage.com
homeurl: http://www.homewebpage.com
custom1: custom1
custom2: custom2
custom3: custom3
custom4: custom4

- the distinguished name is dn: cn=First Last,[EMAIL PROTECTED],
in other words cn=...,mail=... but this is not critical, you can have any directory organization you like and the entries can still be seen by mozilla as long as they are of the right objectclass and/or have the right attributes.

- cn is composed of givenName and sn, *unless* in the ab entry
you specifically filled in Display Name. This is an export issue only; remember that moz only reads, doesn't write directories.

I have found that as long as what you have in your directory has the attributes that mozilla is looking for, they "should" show up in the addressbook. Note that I say "should." After having done this limited experiment, and for other reasons related to the work I'm doing, I decided to just be happy with a name and email address showing up in addressbook from my directory, and all the other attributes being managed and viewed by the app I'm working on. So I haven't painstakingly verified that if I have a mozillaHomePostalAddress2 attribute in my unique local schema, for example, that it shows up in addressbook.

Bottom line: you should be able to use mozilla's schema in your directory if you can find it at their site, or just reverse engineer it from the above or your own experiment and reproduce it in your local setup, if what you want is mozilla's exact view of a person.

But, mozilla doesn't write to ldap directories, so you will have to write or find an app that allows you to add entries. Depending on your user population and your requirements for directory security (and coherence :) you could use one of the php admin tools, and either restrict access to your self and admins, or open it up to your user population. Openldap's ACL's could/should be used to restrict each user's write-access to their own entry, but then they can't add new entries for their *own* contacts, unless you also give each of them their own organization units under which their contacts go.

When you set up a directory in addressbook to view your ldap directory, and then select that addressbook, you wont' see anything in the contact list. Put a single * in the "Name or Email contains" text field, and you'll see all your inetOrgPersons listed. Put a single @ in there instead, and you'll see all entries that have an email address. Etc.

Edit/Properties has a search filter on the Advanced tab. This will not affect what you see in the addressbook entry list, but it does affect what gets automatically filled in for the To: field when you're composing a message. The General tab has fields for Base DN and Bind DN, so with those three things you have some room to play around with what gets seen/used.

Tools to write to a directory:

- gq. Everyone seems to like this one. It's a standalone app.
- phpldapadmin. This is what I use. Requires php and apache to run. easy to configure, but does require some configuration beyond what gq requires.
- there are a few addressbook-like applications, which I haven't tried. Here's one, rolodap, but I don't know if it's active or not. It appears to have some association with mozilla's project site, mozdev.org.

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