On Sun, 08 Feb 2004 21:12:51 -0800
Rishi Chopra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Here's a summary of my problem so far:
> Server was idle (e.g. absolutely no processes running aside from
> csh, ttyv0 and ps) when power was cut; server reports a problem mounting 
> /usr partition upon reboot.
> I have since tried the following:
> (1) Booted into single-user mode and ran 'fsck' - the latest output to 
> the terminal says:
> ****     FILE SYSTEM MARKED CLEAN     ****
>      /dev/da0s1e
>      Last Mounted on /usr
>      Phase 1 - check blocks and sizes
> After letting the system 'do its thing' for 5+ days, the output did not 
> change.
> (2) I tried an 'fsck -p' and got the following message:
> /dev/da0s1a: 1128 files, 36058 used, 47059 free (261 frags, 58771 
> blocks, 0.1% fragmentations)

Do you get the prompt back ? Try fsck -p on / then on /var /tmp and last
/usr. At least you will know what partitions are ok. Better yet I
suggest you boot from the second aka Fixit CD and run fsck from there;
you fsck binary may be broken. Also boot verbose (I don't know if
safe-mode applies to SCSI, but if it does, try that also).

> The display has been stuck with that same output for countless hours now.

Do you have disk activity when fsck seems to be stuck ?

> Questions I have:
> (1) Have I suffered a total loss or is this still some way to revover my 
> filesystem?  After suffering a similar loss with a hardware raid-0 
> failure under win2k, I was assuming the FreeBSD setup would be more 
> durable.  I would hate to walk away thinking that a simple power loss 
> could wipe out a freebsd server under nothing more than one terminal login.

Generally this doesn't happen. From my experience, it happens if either
there are problems with the disk access infrastructure (a la timeouts,
etc. on ata) or something bad elsewhere in the kernel.

> (2) Why would a simple fsck of the filesystem not work in my case?

If you have the kernel with 
options         DDB
options         BREAK_TO_DEBUGGER

and no disk activity I suggest that you break to debugger hitting
Ctrl+Esc and try to gather some info from there. Note that in case fsck
is actually running this could further damage you fs, but since you
can't do anything else I would say to give it a try.

To summarize:

1. See if you have disk activity when fsck seems to be stuck.

2. Try fsck (-p) first on root, the on tmp, /var, /usr, /home.

3. Esp. if fsck / doesn't go ok try booting verbose with Fixit CD and
run fsck from there.

4. If 1 gets you the same results try putting the disk in another
machine where you have debugging options in the kernel, break to
debugger and gather info from there (esp. if you're running 5.x try
asking on current@ what exactly to look for in the debugger).

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