Ion-Mihai Tetcu wrote:

On Thu, 12 Feb 2004 22:04:53 +0100
gaf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have read the handbook but have been following (Itīs easier to have a book in front of you when installing). The Complete FreeBSD 4th edition when installing, where Greg Lehey recommends the partitioning that I have running right now so.....


>/                     4G
>swap          800M
>/home           35G

NOP. No way.

What he says and you forgot to do is something about sym-linking /tmp to
/var/tmp, if memory serves. If you want to extent this to have symlinks like this:
/tmp --> /home/tmp
/usr --> /home/usr
/var --> /home/var
you can. But there is no reason to do so.
In fact the default setup is just the other way:
/home --> /usr/home
Please refer to hier(7) to see layout of FreeBSD.

Grog's book was for a few years the only one available and it's my personal
favorite. Nevertheless the FreeBSD handbook is the official reference.

as a newbie how should I know which one is the most accurate? Now I know you ll say the handbook, so from now on I will follow the handbook.

Read Grog's book, it makes a few times every cent you have spent on it.

Thanks for answering

I have the book in front of me.....sorry but there are nothing said about symlinks.
It says:
" Creating the file systems
With these considerations in mind, weīll divide up the disk in the following manner:
4G for the root file system, which includes /usr and /var
512M swap space
The rest of the disk for /home file system"

Next is "Selecting distributions"
I canīt figure out any other way to decipher you???
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