On Saturday 14 February 2004 23:39, RYAN vAN GINNEIKEN wrote:
> Just wondering why when i send email to yahoo or lycos and probably
> hotmail too it always ends up in there bulk mail folder.  This is a
> great inconvenience do i need to be on or off some sort of list or
> something.  Any help would be appreciated

Are you using a "fake" domain? E.g. 'HELO yourbox' doesn't match your ISP's, 
or the like. Reverse DNS is also something often used as a criterion. They 
may use that when filtering, it's very common (which IMHO is kinda silly, 
they should instead use a Bayesian filter and let the user dump their spam 
into a SPAM folder, then use that periodically for training the filter).

You may even be unfortunate as to being part of a blacklisted IP block by one 
of the anti spam houses whose databases are often used for filtering. It's 
hard to say what exactly they do.


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