Today I've been trying to restore a filesystem with surprising
results.  The backup file was on a netwroked machine and not on a tape
so I'd exclude any type of medium defect.  Nevertheless, the restore
program reported a "tape read error".

Sounds really strange to me.  Here is the session log:

  hyde# restore if /net/fish/usr/home/wcp/hyde-usr.dump 
  restore > ls
  .snap/      crash/      include/    local/      sbin/       src.cvs@
  X11R6/      db/         lib/        lost+found/ share/      sup@
  bin/        games/      libdata/    mdec/       spool/
  compat/     home/       libexec/    ports@      src@

  restore > add bin
  restore > add lib 
  restore > add libdata
  restore > add libexec sbin share 
  restore > add include
  restore > add db
  restore > extract
  You have not read any tapes yet.
  If you are extracting just a few files, start with the last volume
  and work towards the first; restore can quickly skip tapes that
  have no further files to extract. Otherwise, begin with volume 1.
  Specify next volume #: 1
  Tape read error while skipping over inode 114139
  continue? [yn] y
  unknown tape header type 2054782334
  abort? [yn] n
  not at beginning of a file
  abort? [yn] y
  dump core? [yn] n

Nobody tripped on the network cable and there is no trace of errors in

This is on FreeBSD 5.2.1-RC, trying to restore a UFS1 snapshot (option
-L) to a UFS2 filesystem.

walter pelissero
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