--- Sergey 'DoubleF' Zaharchenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Here you should have answered `y' (it doesn't ask you to change
> anything yet). Let's try that again, shall we?

Sorry, ok I went through it again, saying Y to all the "Continue?" prompts
but N to all the ones that talked about changing things. The final result
was huge, so instead of posting it here I'll host it on my site:


> Well, after all fsck doesn't seem mad (`erase everything and mark fs
> clean'). But if you are really are paranoid, as you should be, you
> should copy the whole contents of the harddrive, maybe to a remote
> machine, by dd (over NFS, perhaps). Perhaps the `sparse' dd option
> would help save a bit of space (by creating `holes' in the file where
> there were NUL's on the harddrive).

I have ordered an additional 80GB drive for this very purpose (along w/ an
external USB enclosure but we don't have to get that working yet). I will
let you know when it arrives. If the next step you want to do is going to
make changes, I'm happy to wait until the 2nd drive is here and we can do
the dd.

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