On Feb 18, 2004, at 5:38 PM, Linh Pham wrote:

Has anyone ran into problems with Apache 1.3.x segfaulting (signal 11)
under FreeBSD 5.2.1-RC[12]? I had to recently re-install FreeBSD on my
home server and grabbed the latest src-all for RELENG_5_2, which ended
up being for 5.2.1-RC2. Afterwards, I compiled and installed Apache 1.3
plus PHP5 and PostgreSQL and got it up and running without any problems.

Easiest thing is to obtain a core dump; see the man page for 'ulimit', check
'/etc/login.conf' and the apache directive for this.

Otherwise - if it happens a LOT - you can run (from screen if needed)

gdb /usr/local/sbin/httpd -X

it will then run single process/thread mode; and if there is a segfault you'll
inmediately see the culprit. This is generally too slow for a production
server; but will easily handle hobby sites.

Given your setup my guess is some PHP5 plugin (I had similar issues
until I fixed/recompiled gd).


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