Chris Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On Thu, 26 Feb 2004, Aloha Guy wrote:

> Already tried that and it did improve things a little. I tried
> setting the HZ to 1000 and it didn't make much of a difference. Is
> there a larger number that actually works well?

You can try higher HZ numbers, but you might run into other problems.
Experiment and see. Others have experimented with higher HZ numbers
so you might want to check the list archives. Anyway, is a 1ms delay
really that bad?

The 1ms delay isn't that bad if it was 1ms but we're talking about 3-4ms atleast. As 
for HZ numbers, what should I search for in the archives and on which list since it 
seems like HZ is also in the dmesg output for the clock generator so it's one of those 
terms that are used widely. Thanks, John

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