On Tue, Mar 02, 2004 at 12:46:54PM +0900, Rob wrote:

> I'm using bootpd for booting-up another diskless PC.
> In inetd.conf, I have enabled the bootps line, but to
> my surprise, bootpd keeps running continuously after
> being called once. I thought wrapping the daemon up in
> the inetd superserver would prevent this.
> I have tried already the bootpd-flags "-t 5" and "-i" to no avail.
> Any idea what's wrong here, or am I myself making a mistake here ?

You seem to be doing everything right.  Most odd.  I see that the
default timeout is 15 minutes (by inspecting the source code: see
/usr/src/libexec/pootpd/pootpd.c, and look for the actualtimeout
struct) -- can you test waiting that long to see if the bootpd process
will eventually time out?  It might be worth running tcpdump(1) on
your network interface to verify that there isn't any traffic on ports
67 or 68 during that time -- the timeout gets reset whenever there's
any traffic at all.

When you edited /etc/inetd.conf to insert the '-t 5' option, did you
send a HUP signal to inetd(8) to make it reread the config file?

    # kill -HUP `cat /var/run/inetd.pid`



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
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