On Tue, 2 Mar 2004 10:00:05 -0500 (EST)
Jerry McAllister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> probably wrote:

> >     And if you are unable to understand the programming at all, then may 
> > I suggest that you SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
> > 
> Oh now that's a really helpful response.


> Anyway, my 4.9 LINT has comments.
> I certainly hope to see them when I get to 5.xxx.

You will see them, as Kris noted already, in NOTES. If you want to see
them in LINT, do something like

$ cd /usr/src/sys && cat conf/NOTES i386/conf/NOTES > i386/conf/LINT


> Without the comments LINT is essentially useless.

I guess it serves a specific purpose for development: if you try to
compile a kernel with it as the config file, the compiler will attempt
to process most of the OS code.

> Just long lists of cryptic character strings are not
> very helpful, even if there is a man page on every one.

I feel like that this separation of a file needed for developers
(LINT) and file readable by others (NOTES) nevertheless has some
sense. For example, one doesn't have to make sure that NOTES is in any
way compilable, it's `lines that can be cut/pasted into kernel' config
file. That way, one may be able to enumerate more options, even they
are mutually exclsive. That's just one reason that came to my
mind. The reason for splitting notes into conf/NOTES and
<arch>/conf/NOTES seems more obvious: common devices go into the
former, specific - into the latter.


Jesus Saves,
Moses Invests,
But only Buddha pays Dividends.

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