Want to get Qpopper to work with SSL on a FreeBSD 4.9.
I have followed the instruction at various sites about how this
should be done including eudora.com/qpopper. I have also followed
alot of instructions on how to make a cert-file (cert.pem) from
a .key and .crt file. That includes openssh.org. I cannot get it
to work anyway. --> I must be missing something?!? <--
I am reciving the errors below in my log files.
Mar  5 13:00:33 frodo qpopper[390]: Error setting private key PEM file
Mar  5 13:00:33 frodo qpopper[390]: ...SSL error: error:0906D06C:PEM
routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line
Mar  5 13:00:33 frodo qpopper[390]: ...SSL error: error:140B0009:SSL
routines:SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file:PEM lib
Mar  5 13:00:33 frodo qpopper[390]: Failed initializing TLS/SSL

I'm starting Qpopper from inetd with the -f command-line option
to read the configfile. The qpopper.config-file contains the

set tls-support = stls
set tls-server-cert-file = /usr/local/etc/qpopper/cert.pem

I'm using:
FreeBSD 4.9 CURRENT-p3
Qpopper 4.05
OpenSSL 0.9.7c

Anyone know where I can find some input about this problems?
Thanks in advance, best regards "Per Anderson"

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