On Sun, 2004-03-07 at 00:06, Chuck Swiger wrote:
> Rishi Chopra wrote:
> > I connect to the FreeBSD machine via SSH, and use secure file transfer 
> > to upload/download from the machine.
> > 
> > In the last week, the FreeBSD machine has dropped my connection on 3 
> > seperate occasions.  I'll queue up some work and leave the machine 
> > unattended, only to return at a later time and find that the connection 
> > has been closed.
> Is sshd configured with the "KeepAlive" option set?
man sshd_config says KeepAlive is enabled by default. The commented-out
entry in sshd_config is:

#KeepAlive yes

Looking at some other entries I guess these represent the defaults
according to the man page. Is there any reason not to trust that sshd
has KeepAlive enabled by default?

Is KeepAlive an issue at all, if the link is not subject to disruption?

> Does netstat -i or -s report any errors?  Maybe you have a flaky cable?
> Do you have any packet-filtering or NAT translation involved on one of the two 
> hosts?  [ Your description of the setup suggests no, but the behavior you 
> describe can happen if one were using a (busy and/or dumb) stateful firewall... ]

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