On Sat, 6 Mar 2004, Kris Kennaway wrote:

> On Sat, Mar 06, 2004 at 04:03:35PM -1000, Vincent Poy wrote:
> > > > > > > They're just directories, remove them in the usual way.
> > > > > >
> > > > > >     Tried that, didn't work...
> > > > >
> > > > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] [4:00pm][/mnt/usr/lost+found] >> rm -rf *
> > > > > > rm: #5558272: Directory not empty
> > > > > > rm: #7018496: Directory not empty
> > > > > > rm: #7206914: Directory not empty
> > > > > > rm: #7254025: Directory not empty
> > > > > > rm: #7254167: Directory not empty
> > > > >
> > > > > Unmount the filesystem and run fsck again (e.g. with the -f flag).
> > > > > You seem to have additional filesystem corruption here.
> > > >
> > > >         I did fsck with the -fy flag just now and this is what it says:
> > > >
> > > > UNREF DIR  I=471104  OWNER=root MODE=40755
> > > > SIZE=512 MTIME=Mar  1 04:00 2004
> > > > RECONNECT? yes
> > > >
> > > > SORRY. NO SPACE IN lost+found DIRECTORY
> > >
> > > Is the disk full or out of inodes?
> >
> >     Not sure about the inodes but the disk is at 0% capacity as ad2s1a
> > doesn't have any problems.  ad2s1d is the one where I rm -rf . since that
> > is used to do a dump,restore of /usr.
> I don't understand which disk is which..can you please describe your
> configuration in more detail?

        Okay, let's see...

/dev/ad0 and /dev/ad2 are identical drives (Hitachi TravelStar 2.5"
7200RPM 60GB)

/dev/ad0s1a is 128MB for /  - 54% capacity
/dev/ad0s1b is 256MB for swap
/dev/ad0s1d is 56.3GB for /usr - 11% capacity

/dev/ad2s1a is 128MB for /mnt/root - 54% capacity
/dev/ad0s1b is 256MB for swap
/dev/ad0s1d is 56.3GB for /mnt/usr - 11% capacity max

        Basically, /mnt/root is a clone of / and /mnt/usr is a clone of
/usr which is done as follows:

cd /mnt/root
/bin/chflags -R noschg .
/bin/rm -rf .*
/bin/rm -rf *
/sbin/dump -L -f- /|restore -rf-
cd /mnt/usr
/bin/chflags -R noschg .
/bin/rm -rf .*
/bin/rm -rf *
/sbin/dump -L -f- /usr|restore -rf-

        /mnt/usr is the one with the problem I mentioned which is due to
an upgrade of -CURRENT to February 28, 2003 and even March 5, 2003 from
the September 26, 2003 which was working fine but now whenever this script
executes at 4AM, it causes a kernel panic with the following:

panic: kmem_malloc (4096): kmem_map too small: 377487360 total allocated
       at line 341 in file /usr/src/sys/vm/vm_kern.c
Stopped at Debugger+0x46: xchgl %ebx, in_Debugger.0

        The script runs fine if I do it manually after a few minutes after
a reboot.

I've tried adding the following to the kernel config, building and
installing the kernel

options         VM_KMEM_SIZE_MAX=(768*1048576)
options         VM_KMEM_SIZE_SCALE=2

as well as adding vm.kmem_size=429391872 to /boot/loader.conf to the
without the above options and they both panic right after this part:

CPU: Mobile Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 - M CPU 2.60GHz (2592.36-MHz 686-class
CPU)  Origin = "GenuineIntel"  Id = 0xf29  Stepping = 9

real memory  = 2147360768 (2047 MB)
avail memory = 2095669248 (1998 MB)

with something having to do with vm_kern.c.

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