On Mon, 8 Mar 2004 22:28:44 -0500, Parv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
wrote [EMAIL PROTECTED] thusly...

I just want to know what the moderator thinks about this and the ethical conditions that are touched...

There is no official moderator per se. I think whom you are looking for is "nanny" or "philosopher" ...


Also are these kinds of posts tolerated?

Well, you are seeing them on this list, aren't you? This will go on until one side tires or looses interest, only to be revived some time later. As always.

Just to shoehorn this thread back a bit in the direction whence it came:

Looking at <URL: http://www.distrowatch.com/>, specifically the page hit rankings (on the right and down a little), at the moment the 5th-ranked Linux distro with an upward trend is Debian, whose install makes FreeBSD's look like an automated marvel in comparison. 6th-ranked, also with an upward trend, is Gentoo, whose install is also relatively non-automated and whose install instructions (the equivalent of the Handbook sections on installation) are often noted for their difficulty. 8th-ranked, again with an upward trend, is Slackware, whose text-based install is very similar to FreeBSD's, with perhaps a bit more help text available.

Granted that the top 4 distros either have automagic installs (Mandrake, Fedora/Red Hat) or no install at all (Knoppix, the Debian-based "live CD"), it appears not to be true that popularity (at least the *nix world version) requires a graphical automated install, were that the goal of the FreeBSD project.

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