On Tue, Mar 16, 2004 at 02:00:00AM +0000, Lewis Thompson wrote:
>   This has mostly gone fine (bar the I/O errors that were to be
> expected) and I can actually start vinum and mount the RAID-0 array with
> no trouble (Vinum reports no errors I can see).  I don't really know how
> I can test the integrity of files from the replaced disk...

I've just noticed as I was playing some files from my disk that gstat
shows *no* activity for ad3 (the replaced disk).  Obviously all is not
working as I believed.


I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now.  --Bob Dylan, 1964.
-| msn:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | jabber:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | url:www.lewiz.org |-

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