> I have trouble running apache with php4.
> when i try to start httpd, it crashes with signal 11.
> If i remove php4 from httpd.conf, apache runs fine.
> Installed packages:
> apache+mod_ssl-1.3.29+2.8.16_1 The Apache 1.3 webserver with SSL/TLS 
> functionality
> php4-4.3.4_7        PHP Scripting Language (Apache Module and CLI)
> php4-horde-4.3.4_7  A default PHP configured for the Horde framework
> Any ideas?

Did you install these as ports?

I've had trouble when cvsup'ing the ports because /lang/php4 has "apache13"
as the port it looks at when in actuality, you want it looking at
"apache13-modssl". I've done it enough times now that I instinctively go
change it, but that annoyed for a long time because I'd forget and it'd go
install normal apache and complain a lot when starting.


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