At 11:58 AM 3/28/2004, Jorn Argelo wrote:
True. However, so far you've just mentioned the CAD programs. I don't think
that that is a large group when you compare it with the Office users for

Come on, lets be fair, if we wanted to limit the application to simply "emacs" guess what? Freebsd is craploads better than Windows! Whippee! We're #1!

FreeBSD offers many options for almost every kind of computer user. I believe
that that is important as well.

The above statement is not accurate, and believing it to be accurate will limit where FreeBSD can go. FreeBSD offers an option to a small population of users, those who use Windows to do "Office" tasks. Its also a great environment for the nerdly types who endlessly reinvent computer languages or window system widgets. Unfortunately those same windows users are the most clueless of computer users and cannot appreciate what FreeBSD does differently.

The technical community however, THEY can appreciate the difference and they would be able to adopt FreeBSD if it had the tools they needed. These are the folks that made Sun Microsystems what it is today. And if FreeBSD wants a toe hold in the market that is where it will have to establish itself first.

Just my 0.02,

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