On Thu, Apr 01, 2004 at 03:45:55PM +0300, Ülkü SAYILAN wrote:

>      I have a big problem, FreeBSD+samba running on HP LH4 server being file server.
>      Last night, renaming some file and in some command
>      line I push "pause/Break" than such kind of error line came,

The 'pause' key will temporarily suspend input to the tty, until you
press it again, when everything you typed in the meantime will
suddenly be sent to the system.  It has no special powers to make your
system shutdown, or anything.
>       "init: can't exec getty `/usr/libexec/getty` for port /dev/ttyv1:No
>       souch file or directory"
>       then a little bit freezing time I push again any key than it reboot
>       at last server never boot in below messages that freezing..
>       What Can I do?

Your /usr partition hasn't mounted properly.  You should still be able
to boot into single user mode on the console.  Watch the system as it
boots from power-on.  When you get to the 10-second countdown hit the
space bar to interrupt the usual boot process, then type:

    > boot -s

The system will go through the early stages of booting and then stop,
prompting you to type in the name of a shell or hit return.  You
should hit return.  Now you've got the system into single user mode,
and can investigate what went wrong.  Probably the first thing to do
is to fsck(8) and mount your disk drives, and turn on swapping:

    # fsck -p
    # swapon -a 
    # mount -a

If any of those commands generates error messages you don't
understand, ask again here.

Now you should be able to poke around in /usr and see if there's any
obvious problems.  If it's just the getty executable that's missing,
you should be able to copy one from a similar machine, or out of
/usr/obj if you previously did a buildworld on that machine.
>       I suppuse some file system deleted :(
>       Maybe boot from CD and installtion procees I must choose
>        "configure do post install configuration of freebsd"
>       Can I rescue file system? or lost of all my data/server?
>       or boot floopy can be functional?

No -- see if you can get into single user mode first, before thinking
about re-installing.  You should be able to get at least some of the
system back.

Once you're done with single user mode, type:

    # reboot

and the system should come back into normal multiuser mode so long as
you've fixed what was causing the problem.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
                                                      Savill Way
PGP: http://www.infracaninophile.co.uk/pgpkey         Marlow
Tel: +44 1628 476614                                  Bucks., SL7 1TH UK

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