On Sun, Apr 04, 2004 at 01:17:54PM +0000, Mark wrote:
>  ... Is it then possible to delete the following directories?
> /usr/src/
> And
> /usr/obj/
> And perhaps even,
> /usr/ports/
> For a small 'emergency' disk, I'd like to remove those directories, after
> the 4.9R install has fully completed. Can it be safely done? Or is anything
> needed, at runtime, from those directories?

No -- those directories are only needed when you're rebuilding the
system or installing stuff from ports.  You can zap /usr/sup as well,
although it's probably empty unless you've used cvsup on that box.
You can probably live without /usr/doc, and you only need /usr/include
if you're going to be compiling stuff.  There's also quite a lot of
stuff under /usr/share that you can probably live without, although
you need to be a little more discriminating there.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
                                                      Savill Way
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