On Sun, 11 Apr 2004 10:31:22 +0200, Julien Gabel wrote:

>> GEOM doesn't let you write to an active device, except if you set
>> kern.geom.debugflags=16
> Ok no problem, I changed it this way :
>  # sysctl kern.geom.debugflags=16
>  kern.geom.debugflags: 1 -> 16
> But it seems to change *absolutly nothing*... :(

Mmmhh... We're doing something wrong here I guess :o Are you 100% sure
that ad10 is not used by any open geom modules? What does dmesg say about

After reading man geom (see the fine print under SPOILING), maybe you
should take this up on current@, pointing to this thread and posting the
following information (better in single user mode, if you have a console):

0. dmesg
1. your RAID array configuration
2. your currently mounted partitions
3. the output of the fdisk command


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