Hey Luke

ooh ok well you don't have _any_ networking setup by the looks of things.
Are you on cable or a LAN of some description?  If so you will need to
give your box some basic information edit /etc/resolve.conf and enter
your NS details.  Edit rc.conf and add information about IP address and
default router and reboot and you should be good to go.



Not to be picky ;-) but here we go.

in /etc/resolv.conf the syntax will be
nameserver Ip-address

the information in /etc/rc.conf will be

ifconfig_yournic="inet youripadres netmask yournetmask"

perhaps you need dhcp, then ifconfig_yournick="dhcp"
and then (most of the time) you don't have to specify
anything in /etc/resolv.conf since that probably will be filled in for you by the remote dhcp server.



Kind regards,

Remko Lodder
www.mostly-harmless.nl A Dutch community for helping newcomers on the hackerscene
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