For reasons I don't want to trouble you with, I had to install the
latest perl port into /usr/local/rt3/perl/ and now I need to get
mod_perl to compile against that version.

I edited the Makefile, added
MOD_PERLCONFIG=/usr/local/rt3/perl/bin/perl to CONFIGURE_ARGS and I
edited the shebang line in /usr/local/bin/apxs to point to my new
installation of perl.

Then, I tried using this cli in the mod_perl port directory.

 bash-2.05b# PERL5LIB=/usr/local/rt3/perl/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/i386-freebsd 
PREFIX=/usr/local/rt3/perl SITE_PERL=/usr/local/rt3/perl/lib/site_perl make

While pieces of the compile output show that it is using
/usr/local/rt3/perl/*, most of it shows that it's pulling from
/usr/local/lib/perl5/* for libs.

I even combed through the work directory and manually changed the
references to the perl binary to /usr/local/rt3/perl/bin/perl with no
luck.  Same results every time.  And yes, I've been doing a make clean
in between compiles.

Any advice?

Andy Harrison
(full headers for details)
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