* Matt Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-04-24 21:46]:
> Hello everyone,
> I've got an older computer.  PIII 450.  Riva TNT 2 video.  Plenty of
> RAM.
> Couple of issues.  First, let me say that I've been using FreeBSD off
> and on since version 3.
> 1.  1st hardrive has Windows XP on it.  Full Drive.  2nd drive is
> devoted to FreeBSD.  Boot manager, unlike older versions, seems to
> always change the active partition when I boot into FreeBSD thus after a
> reboot I have to boot from a DOS floppy and make the XP partition on the
> 1st drive active so the computer can boot.  I've done several installs
> over the last couple of days and can not seem to find a way around this.

Others may/may not scold me for suggesting this, but I have had *very*
good luck with GAG:


It will not disrupt your existing loader, and it'll boot both OSes just
fine from either disk.
> 2.  I WAS having a problem with the machine freezing every time I
> started X.  I read in the erata about the ACIP problems and got around
> that.  However, when I created a "custom" kernel, and all I did was add
> the pcm driver so I could have sound, the machine freezes on boot while
> accessing the ethernet card.  3Com card that works fine with the Generic
> kernel.  That has me completely stumped.
Me, too.
> Thanks!
NP ;)


"This is Papa Bear. Put out an APB on a suspect,
 driving a ... car of some sort, heading in the
 direction of ... that place that sells chili.
 Suspect is hatless, repeat HATLESS!"
           -- Chief Clancy Wiggam

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