Jerry McAllister wrote:

I have a 80 gig hard drive that I have sliced up for multiple
distros of linux and freebsd. I have win98 on slice 1 and freebsd
on slice 2. On slice 10 I have a 2.7 Gig slice formatted as fat32
for data sharing between all distros.

When logged into frebsd (5.2.1) i can mount the win98 slice with
"mount_msdosfs /dev/ad0s1 /win98" without any trouble.

When I attempt to mount slice 10 with "mount_msdosfs /dev/ad0s10
/shared" I get the following error:

mount_msdosfs: /dev/ad0s10: invalid argument.

Slice 10 was formatted in win98 and scan disk was run. I have a
text file and two jpeg photos in the slice.

Only 4 primary slices are recognized.   FreeBSD will not talk to a
slice 10 and I don't think anything MS will either in a standard
manner.  That is why they came up with extended partitions.   What
did you use to create the extra slices?


Isn't ad?s5 and up used for the extended partitions? Which devices show up in /dev ?

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