On Thursday 13 May 2004 11:14 am, OLAF STEIN wrote:
> hi everybody,
> i recently switched from linux to freebsd, so this question might
> sound a little stupid
> the problem
> i removed 2 users from my system by deleting their entries in
> /etc/passwd and /etc/group (they had their own group and where in no
> other groups)
> the users are still able to login after i deleted them
> the rmuser command now does not remove them anymore because it cannot
> find their entries in /etc/passwd, cause as mentioned i deleted them
> from their
> the handbook lists all actions that are taken, when the rmuser
> command is executed and i did all actions manually except the
> deletion of the home directories of those users, because i want to
> keep them
> how can i remove those users completely?
> and is there something like a /etc/shadow file?

Use vipw to do the delete. You deleted the text in the shadow text file 
and left /etc/master.passwd with the previous working version. You can 
force the update of master.passwd but I think you should get used to 
using vipw.


Kent Stewart
Richland, WA

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