On Mon, 24 May 2004, Dan Nelson wrote:

> In the last episode (May 24), Andreas Davour said:
> > I've been staring at the beastie during startup quite a bit now. Even
> > though he is a handsome chap to stare at, I still think 10 seconds
> > each boot is a bit to much.
> >
> > Can someone tell me how I configure the loader to decrease the time
> > delay? I kind of figured it would be found in the Handbook, I haven't
> > found it. Pointers welcome.
> /boot/loder.conf:
> beastie_disable="YES"
> autoboot_delay="2"
> works for me.  The variables are defined in the loader manpage (not
> loader.conf, which only describes the syntax).

So I didn't read the loader manpage closely enough. I read about
loader.conf, but apparantly that wasn't right.

Thanks for the help!


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