On Tue, 1 Jun 2004 02:31:20 -0500
Jay Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spake thus:

> I'm running sendmail on my 5.2.1 system, and have a number of DNSBLs set up in 
> my sendmail configuration.  I am not currently running BIND (or any other 
> nameserver), and therefore have configured my system to use one of my ISP's 
> DNS servers.
> I've noticed that each attempted connection to my mail server now generates a 
> flurry of DNS requests from my mail server to my ISP's DNS server.
> I'd like to streamline this process, but I don't really want to take on DNS 
> administration. I've heard about caching DNS servers, and "tiny DNS", and I 
> wondered if they might suit my needs.
> Comments, or recommendations??
> Thanks,
> Jay
Running bind as a caching only nameserver is pretty trivial and fairly
fool proof. Lots of good docs on the web and should only take a few
minutes to get configured. Have not had any experience with TinyDNS so
can't comment on that one. 



Luke Kearney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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