I'm trying to uuencode some data, but uuencode doesn't seem to work
properly.  I'm using FreeBSD 4.8-RELEASE-p22.  Here are some examples:

$ date | uuencode
usage: uuencode [-m] [-o outfile] [infile] remotefile
       b64encode [-o outfile] [infile] remotefile
$ cat /etc/rc.conf | uuencode
usage: uuencode [-m] [-o outfile] [infile] remotefile
       b64encode [-o outfile] [infile] remotefile

Specifying a filename, rather than using a pipe, doesn't seem to work

$ uuencode file
begin 644 file

After printing the begin line it idles.  A debug copy of uuencode run
with gdb shows the program stopping on the read() call trying to get
data (fread() called from the while loop in encode()).

Anyone know why?

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