On Monday 07 June 2004 20:10, Goodleaf, John wrote:
>    Hello,
>    I'm abusing the mailing list because many of you are sickeningly
>    clever and have long experience in IT. I'm working to establish a
>    document (yep) providing guidance for our company's
>    small-but-growing IT group with regard to coding standards and
>    practices. It seems rife with potential problems and there is
>    already the potential for one of those variable-naming holy wars
>    (e.g. intVariableName, varname, VarName, varName). So my question:
>    is there a good document out there on the net somewhere, maybe
>    hiding at a University site from which I can draw for general
>    consideration? Any experiences? Recommendations?
>    It's a hard problem. How do you provide conventions that don't annoy
>    the hell out of programmers, but which ensure that legibile,
>    maintainable code is left?

Well, other programmers may have a different opinion, but I can at least tell 
you what I would prefer:
I would have no problems with coding standards that allow you to clean up 
_after_ a session, because I lose half of my good ideas while bothering with 
coding standards. Good would be some convention where you can just modify 
your code with sed(1) afterwards, that's not much overhead.


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