On Tue, 8 Jun 2004, Thomas Farrell wrote:

> cpan mods needed.   I am using mailmonitor & sophos sweep works great I can
> block files or file extentions types, block subject content,  quarantine
> infected attachments, attempt to clean them.  You can go to sophos.com and
> fill out evalutaions for both mailmonitor & sweep . One thing mailmonitor
> needs to be run in linux compatibility mode and you need to install the
> linux versions of sweep & mailmonitor .  They actually make software
> packages for BSD. unfourtunatly mailmonitor is targeted to linux ,solaris &
> Windoz .

I'm using mimedefang+clamav for virus/malware. clamav is an open source
antivirus which works great for me

For spam, I use spamassasin called from within mimedefang.

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