On Sat, Jun 12, 2004 at 11:14:02AM +0100, John wrote:
> Greetings, freebsd-questions
> I want to put operators in sudo BUT I don't want them to sudo su -
> because after they do that, subsequent commands enacted as root don't
> appear in the logs. The desired behaviour would be sudo su command (any
> command) but not sudo su -, for these users. Is there a way of enforcing
> this?

You might be able to do it by limiting the commands that are
accessible to the person, but if they run any shell, or run any
program that drops to a shell (e.g. one they wrote themselves in 2
minutes) then they would have an unrestricted root shell again.

> The reason being that if they do something and the server eg goes
> titsup, I want to see what was done in the logs. Would be grateful for
> any assistance the list may have.

It might be best to just say "I don't want you doing this" and then
punish people who do, since you do have logs.

If you're trying to restrict what people can do with sudo it will be
better to explicitly list each binary they can run as root and make
sure there's no way they can modify those binaries.

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