On Thu, Jun 17, 2004 at 10:19:01AM -0500, Curtis Almond wrote:
> I am pretty sure the only way to do this is to have a FAT32 partition.
>  I have not done this on FreeBSD but while playing with Xandros Linux
> I was able to get read/write access using a FAT partition.

FAT32 may be the only solution if you need read/write-access from both
systems, but for stuff like mp3, it may suffice to mount your Windows
NTFS-partition read-only.  FreeBSD can do that with mount_ntfs(8).  

I have setup such a thing for someone.  Read/write-access to a shared
FAT32-partition, and read-only acces to a Win2k NTFS-partition.  No
problem whatsoever.  

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