On Wed, Jun 23, 2004 at 03:52:27PM -0400, Steve Bertrand wrote:
> >     I'm new to using FreeBSD and when I boot up the computer (I've
> > already installed FreeBSD) it asks for a login name and password. I
> > don't know either and I haven't been able to get into FreeBSD. Please
> > help me.
> During install, it prompts you to type in the super users password. Did
> you make a note of this?
> The superusers name in question is 'root' (w/o quotes). This user has God
> power over everything and is typically the only user on the system when an
> install is freshly done, unless other users have been added upon install.
> IIRC, the system will accept a null password at install time, so if you
> don't remember entering the su password, try logging in with username:
> root and no password.
> Regards,
> Steve

You could also boot into single-user mode (type "boot -s" at the boot
prompt), then you will be logged in as root automatically (without
having to give the password -- unless you disabled that in /etc/ttys).
Then simply type "passwd" and enter a new password for root (twice).  

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