On Fri, 25 Jun 2004, Jamie LaPointe wrote:

> I am having problems with a Perl based application (Bugzilla 2.16.5) that
> uses Sendmail.  I recently upgraded from Sendmail version 8.9.3 to 8.12.10
> and am using FreeBSD 5.2.1-Release.  I installed this version of Sendmail
> from the Ports collection from the FreeBSD FTP site.  Ever since I upgraded
> to this new version I have been having the following problem when attempting
> to send an email via Bugzilla (the following error is from the mailog):
> Jun 25 17:11:42 srv-linbsd01 sm-mta[539]: starting daemon (8.12.10):
> SMTP+queuei
> Jun 25 17:11:42 srv-linbsd01 sm-msp-queue[542]: starting daemon (8.12.10):
> queue
> Jun 25 17:11:42 srv-linbsd01 sm-msp-queue[547]: starting daemon (8.12.10):
> queue
> Jun 25 17:12:04 srv-linbsd01 sendmail[630]: i5Q0C4fA000630: SYSERR(apache):
> coll
> ect: Cannot write ./dfi5Q0C4fA000630 (bfcommit, uid=1003, gid=25):
> Permission de
> nied
> Jun 25 17:12:04 srv-linbsd01 sendmail[630]: i5Q0C4fA000630: from=apache,
> size=46
> 8, class=0, nrcpts=0, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Jun 25 17:12:04 srv-linbsd01 sendmail[630]: i5Q0C4fA000630: i5Q0C4fB000630:
> DSN:
>  collect: Cannot write ./dfi5Q0C4fA000630 (bfcommit, uid=1003, gid=25):
> Permissi
> on denied
> Jun 25 17:12:04 srv-linbsd01 sendmail[630]: i5Q0C4fB000630: SYSERR(apache):
> queu
> eup: cannot create queue file ./qfi5Q0C4fB000630, euid=1003: Permission
> denied
> Jun 25 17:12:04 srv-linbsd01 sendmail[631]: i5Q0C4K8000631: SYSERR(apache):
> coll
> ect: Cannot write ./dfi5Q0C4K8000631 (bfcommit, uid=1003, gid=25):
> Permission de
> nied
> Jun 25 17:12:04 srv-linbsd01 sendmail[631]: i5Q0C4K8000631: from=apache,
> size=45
> 9, class=0, nrcpts=0, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Jun 25 17:12:04 srv-linbsd01 sendmail[631]: i5Q0C4K8000631: i5Q0C4K9000631:
> DSN:
>  collect: Cannot write ./dfi5Q0C4K8000631 (bfcommit, uid=1003, gid=25):
> Permissi
> on denied
> Jun 25 17:12:04 srv-linbsd01 sendmail[631]: i5Q0C4K9000631: SYSERR(apache):
> queu
> eup: cannot create queue file ./qfi5Q0C4K9000631, euid=1003: Permission
> denied
> It sure appears that something is screwed up with Permissions, yet
> /var/spool/clientmqueue has the following permission:
> -bash-2.05b# ls -l
> total 32
> drwxrwx---   2 smmsp  smmsp     512 Jun 25 12:09 clientmqueue
> drwxr-xr-x   3 root   daemon    512 Apr  6 08:53 cups
> drwxrwxr-x   2 uucp   dialer    512 Jun 25 17:11 lock
> drwxr-xr-x   2 root   daemon    512 Feb 23 12:41 lpd
> drwxr-xr-x   3 root   daemon  16384 Jun 25 15:17 mqueue
> drwx------   2 root   daemon    512 Feb 23 12:41 opielocks
> drwxr-xr-x   3 root   daemon    512 Feb 23 12:41 output
> drwxr-xr-x  15 root   wheel     512 Jun 25 11:48 postfix
> drwxrwxrwt   2 root   wheel     512 Apr  6 08:53 samba
> >From everything that I have read this is correct.  I also checked the
> permission for the sendmail binary and it has the following permission:
> -bash-2.05b# ls -l /usr/libexec/sendmail/sendmail
> -r-xr-sr-x  1 root  smmsp  635864 Feb 23 12:42 sendmail

A look at SECURITY doc in /usr/local/share/doc/sendmail gives me:

-r-xr-sr-x      root   smmsp    ... /PATH/TO/sendmail
drwxrwx---      smmsp  smmsp    ... /var/spool/clientmqueue
drwx------      root   wheel    ... /var/spool/mqueue
-r--r--r--      root   wheel    ... /etc/mail/sendmail.cf
-r--r--r--      root   wheel    ... /etc/mail/submit.cf

... don't touch the bang bang fruit
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